The ‘White Christmas Map’ Reveals Every Country’s Chance of Snow on Christmas Day — and Every State too…

Vivid Maps
2 min readMar 15, 2022


For the big day to be defined as a ‘White Christmas,’ the Met Office requires “one snowflake to be observed falling in the 24 hours of 25th December”. This means that, even if you do achieve the fabled White Christmas, it could be something of an underwhelming experience.

Some of us will wish each and every year for a White Christmas, but is a cheeky winter trip to Belarus or Estonia at the top of many peoples’ Christmas lists?

New research, collated by Vouchercloud and based on the last nine years of December snowfall Russia (63.1%), Belarus (55.6%), Estonia (50.9%), and Lithuania (50.2%) officially lead the way when it comes to the odds of seeing a White Christmas, while some rather picturesque locations — Canada (45.5%), Norway (43.4%), and Iceland (40.9%) Sweden (33.7%) included — are also likely to see a sprinkle of snow on the 25th.

Back in the USA, Alaska (62.8%), Vermont (52.3%), and Minnesota (36.9%) top the list, leaving the others in the dust — notably Arizona, California, Florida, Hawaii, and Texas, where the chance of Christmas snowfall is a miserable 0%.

They aren’t alone; however, 127 countries worldwide have a veritable 0% chance of seeing snow…




Vivid Maps
Vivid Maps

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