The Most and Least Loved Occupations in the US and UK

Vivid Maps
2 min readMay 13, 2022


As customers, we’ve all had bad customer service experiences. And when that happens, many people will take to Twitter to rant about their experiences with the world.

But what are the occupations that people complain about the most?

This new study from gathered hundreds of thousands of tweets about various professions and studied the language used by Twitter users to discover the occupations that people love and hate the most. used sources like Indeed, MySalary, TheBalanceCareers, and CVLibrary to make a list of the most common occupations and trades, including ones that people had strong opinions about.

Tweets for each occupation were gathered using the Twitter API, georeferenced, and analyzed for sentiment using the AFINN lexicon, which classifies the sentiment of text from -5 (negative) and +5 (positive). only looked at tweets that referenced the occupations plus “are,” so it was clear they gave an opinion on the professions.

Tweets where the aggregate score was less than 0, were deemed negative, and each occupation was then ranked on the percentage of negative tweets in all the tweets mentioning that occupation. Occupations with the highest percentage of negative tweets were deemed “least loved,” while those where that % was lowest were considered to be “most loved.”

Data was gathered in Nov 2021.

The Most Loved occupation in the United States

Receptionists are the most loved occupation in the United States. Only 5% of Tweets about Receptionists were negative, making it the most loved occupation in the United States.




Vivid Maps
Vivid Maps

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