The Most Affordable ZIP Codes to Buy Property in Every State
The average cost of a house in the U.S. today is over half a million dollars. In a country home to both most of the world’s billionaires and 37.9 million people living in poverty, that figure could either be astronomically out of a person’s budget or just a drop in the bucket.
That figure also doesn’t paint much of a picture of the sheer range in house prices across the country. Sure, we know that homes in the sun-dappled states of Hawaii and California tend to carry much higher price tags than any other. We also know that the average property in glitzy cities like New York and San Francisco goes for hundreds of thousands of dollars more than in a rural town.
But how much do house prices change on a neighborhood-to-neighborhood level? And can the people who actually live in these neighborhoods afford to buy a house at all? To find out, American Home Shield went in search of the most and least affordable ZIP codes for local residents to buy a home in the U.S.