If Germany Won…
The German Empire was established in 1871 when the German states, except for Austria, united the North German Confederation.
After 1850, Germany’s states had quickly become industrialized. In 1913, Germany had a population of 68 million people. A heavily rural collection of states in 1815, the now united Germany became predominantly urban.
Throughout its 47 years of being, the German Empire was an industrial, technological, and scientific colossus, getting more Nobel Prizes in science than any other nation.
By 1900, Germany was the most exceptional economy in Europe, exceeding the United Kingdom and the second-largest in the world, following only the U.S., and became the 3rd-largest colonial Empire at the moment, after the British and French Empires.
Germany has become a powerful country, blowing fast-developing railroads, the world’s most powerful army, and a fast-developing manufacturing base. In less than a decade, its german fleet became second only to Britain’s Royal Navy.
Therefore, many countries saw Germany as a threat. During the existence of the German Empire, a lot of maps appeared in many countries of the world, illustrating the future of the world in which Germany will be a superpower.
Germany in 1950: A warning printed in Glasgow, March 1909
The map was last published in March 1938 to warn European countries of the potential threat from Germany. This geographical map was printed repeatedly in 1909, 1918 and 1938.