Countries with the largest exports in 1990 vs. 2021 visualized
Exports rankings have been greatly influenced by political and economic changes between 1991 and 2021. For instance, the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 led to significant changes in the export profiles of its successor states. Additionally, the accession of new countries to the European Union has affected the rankings of some European nations.
As a result, over the past three decades, the ranking of major exporting countries has changed multiple times due to shifts in global trade dynamics, economic growth, and industry changes.
One of the most significant changes has been the rise of China as the world’s largest exporter. Over the past few decades, China’s manufacturing capabilities, low labor costs, and large domestic market have led to tremendous growth in its export sector.
The economies of South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore, known as the “Asian Tigers,” have also undergone quick industrialization and growth driven by exports. These countries have developed strong export sectors in electronics, automobiles, and high-tech goods.
Countries like Vietnam, Thailand, and Malaysia have experienced export growth and have become important players in global trade. They have attracted foreign direct investment, developed strong manufacturing bases, and benefited from global value chains.
Germany has maintained its position as one of the top exporting countries over the years. The country’s reputation for high-quality manufacturing, particularly in the automotive and machinery sectors, has contributed to its export success.
The ranking of North American countries has witnessed some changes. The United States has remained a prominent exporter, but its share of global exports has declined due to the growth of other countries. Meanwhile, Mexico has emerged as a significant exporting nation, particularly in the automotive, electronics, and manufacturing sectors.
The rankings of European countries also have seen some shifts. France and the United Kingdom have experienced fluctuations in their export rankings, while the Netherlands has consistently maintained a strong position due to its strategic location and well-developed logistics infrastructure.
Reddit user giteam visualized the change in the ranking of the largest exporting countries from 1990 to 2021.